Camp Lincoln for Boys
boys camp

- What are the cabins like?Camp Lincoln offers rustic, log-style cabins designed in the early 1930s, with modern renovations. Most of our cabins feature three bedrooms (called chalets), a spacious center room, and a bathroom with a toilet and sink. Additional bathrooms with hot water showers are within walking distance. The bedrooms sleep five to eight campers with cubby areas for clothing. Each bed has a traditional “green shelf” to hold camper’s belongings. The large center room is like a living room. It has a traditional wood-burning fireplace and is a great place for cabin meetings and fun cabin events.
- Can I bring items from home to make my sleeping room my own?Absolutely! Pictures and appropriate posters are acceptable to make your sleeping space your own. We ask that you use masking or painter's tape so that we can keep our cabin walls in pristine condition.
- How is the food?
The meals at Camp Lincoln are great! Our camp focuses on child-friendly meals with a variety of options to choose from. Breakfast includes a hot entree and a cereal bar. At lunch and dinner, we offer a hot entree with a side and a salad bar with rotating options for salad and sandwich making. Most meals are served with juice, milk, and water. A healthy snack is provided each day, in either the late afternoon or evening. Fresh fruit and water are readily available throughout the day. We also offer a weekly cabin cookout, special meals, and all-camp field meals on our Special Days. Some of these special meals include Build-Your-Own-Pizza Night and International Food Night. Each week campers get to enjoy a “Lazy Breakfast”, which includes a hot breakfast buffet and yummy pastries. Please note: Camp Lincoln does offer dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian options. If you have additional dietary concerns, please contact our main office.
- Will I be the only new camper in my cabin?No, you will not be the only new camper in your cabin at Camp Lincoln. We place both new and returning campers in each age group and cabin. Returning campers usually have helpful tips to share with new campers.
- Will I have a chance to get my laundry done?Yes! At Camp Lincoln, our Session 1 and Session 2 Campers will have an opportunity to get laundry done twice per session. Our laundry service is not available for our Half-Session Campers unless absolutely necessary.
- Is there a dress code?
Camp Lincoln is a non-uniform camp, but we expect campers to dress appropriately. We recommend comfortable and functional clothing, while also being prepared for Minnesota’s diverse weather. At Camp Lincoln, Sunday morning’s Camp Church Service requires campers to dress in Camp Lincoln Apparel. During Special Day Activities, campers may dress for the theme of the day. Themes are announced in the spring, so you will be able to prepare in advance. We also have an on-site camp store if you would like to purchase items with our camp logo or you can make purchases at our online store.
- Can I bring my cell phone, game boy or iPod?Camp Lincoln is an “unplugged” camp. Although you may travel with your electronic devices, we ask that, upon arrival at camp, you turn them in for safekeeping in the camp office. Camp is a place to enjoy the great outdoors and unplug from the electronic connection of everyday life. At the end of each session, cellular phones will be charged and returned for the trip home. Within the cabin, we do allow CD/MP3 players, iPods, and Kindles that do not have video capability. Due to the natural surroundings at camp, we suggest that speakers are left at home. If you choose to pack one, please leave it in your cabin and be mindful of when you use it and the volume level. At Camp Lincoln, we are a community that is respectful to our cabinmates.
- Can people send me packages while I am at camp?We believe that Camp Lincoln is a gift unto itself. Therefore, care packages and gifts are not allowed. Any forgotten items on our Packing List can be sent. All packages bigger than a flat envelope will be opened by the Camp Director or their appointed staff. Care packages and all items not listed on the Packing List will be donated to a local charity.
- Can I call home while I am at camp?If you arrive by plane, you will be able to call home upon arrival to let your parents know that you have arrived at Camp Lincoln safely. During the rest of the session, you will communicate with your parents through letters, so make sure to bring your favorite stationery and stamps. Your parents will also be able to send you letters and one-way emails through “CampInTouch”. You can even reply to their emails by writing on our special email paper that camp staff will scan and send to your parents. CampInTouch is a service provider with a link on our website where parents can log onto and send you electronic emails during your camp stay. The camp will also upload lots of photos during the camp session so your parents can look for you and your cabinmates in the photos.
- Do I get to choose my own activities?
Yes! You get to choose your own activities at Camp Lincoln. We offer 40+ land and water activities to choose from and you can choose four activities per day. You will do these activities for three consecutive days. After the three days (we call this a “block”), you can choose activities for the next three days. You can stay in some of the same activities or pick something entirely new. We encourage campers to check out all the activities we offer and try new activities while you are here.
- If I come to camp with a friend from home, will we be in the same cabin?At Camp Lincoln, we do our best to honor your cabinmate request if you and your friend are in the same grade and staying for the same length of time. A request does not guarantee you will be in the same cabin. A request for a cabinmate does not mean you will be in the same chalet (sleeping room). Campers will find out their cabin placement upon arrival at camp.
- What is the Booster Club and how can I join?The Booster Club is our Camper Referral Program. For every friend you refer, who attends camp, you earn points toward Booster Club levels and prizes. To make a referral, simply complete the form on our website. Our limited-edition prizes are personalized with our Booster Club insignia and your “Level” of commitment. • Level One – Engraved CLCLH Mini-Paddle • Level Two – A CLCLH Blanket • Level Three – A CLCLH Fleece Pullover • Level Four – CLCLH Windbreaker Jacket • Level Five – A Brand New Mountain Bike
- What do I do if I get homesick?Your Camp Lincoln Counselors, Division Directors, and Camp Directors are here to assist you. We know it is not easy adapting to a new environment away from home, and our staff members are well-equipped to help you deal with problems that may arise. They are eager to listen, help you adjust, and work to ensure your stay with us is a fulfilling and happy one.
- What does a typical day look like at camp?
Please check out our typical Camp Lincoln Daily Schedule.
- Where are the campers from?Camp Lincoln Campers come from all over. Many campers come from areas such as California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Texas, and Virginia. We also have campers who travel internationally from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and The United Kingdom. Coming to camp is a great way to meet new friends from around the globe.
- How do I stay in contact with my camp friends?At the end of each session, we will provide the names and addresses of the campers in your cabin, so that you can keep in touch if you wish. If you forgot to exchange contact information with your friends from other cabins, you can write them a letter and send it to the camp office. We will forward it to them for you.
- Is Camp Lincoln the best camp?In a word, YES! That’s why we’ve spent our summers for the past 110 years with over 30,000 boys and young men at Camp Lincoln.
- What are my counselors like and where are they from?Counselors come to Camp Lincoln from all over the U.S. and the world. There are four to five staff members per cabin, so you will get to know a variety of counselors. Counselors are usually attending college or university, or they are the equivalent age. Some counselors are former campers themselves and a number have participated in our Leadership Training Program.
- What are Special Days and how do I prepare for them?For more fun and variety, we like to designate a few days each session as Special Days. These days usually have a designated theme, and campers and staff members often dress up for the theme and participate in different activities, events, and games throughout the day. Special Days are announced every spring to give campers ample time to prepare for the themes.
- What other rules do I need to know about camp?Safety is always our top priority while at camp. We ask that you follow our safety protocol in all areas of camp life. Camp Lincoln Campers are expected to try and live out our five Core Values. You will hear these often throughout your summer. As a camp focused on community and belonging, we expect you to show compassion to your fellow campers. We expect you to maintain your area and keep it clean, and to always be respectful to yourself and others. And, of course, we expect you to have FUN! Specific camp expectations are also mentioned in the Parent Handbook.
- What if I have a birthday while at camp?Camp birthdays are very special! If your birthday occurs while you are at camp, then it is your lucky day! During one of the meals on your special day, you will be sung Happy Birthday-camp style- and receive a yummy birthday cake to share with your cabinmates. Your family members and friends will be able to send you birthday cards, but, please remember, no care packages will be accepted.
- Is there a store at camp to buy toiletries, clothing, etc.?
There is a camp store on site for toiletries such as bug spray, shampoo, conditioner, postcards, stamps, and toothpaste. There are also clothing items with our camp logo on them available for purchase. Our online store has a greater supply of camp clothing items. Purchases made at the camp store will be charged to the camper’s expense account.